w ho am i

the movie

w alt heyer

Walt Heyer underwent gender reassignment and identified for 8 years as a trans woman before detransitioning in 1991.

This is his inspiring, gut-wrenching story.

script synopsis

Born in the shadow of World War II, in the city of Los Angeles, Walt’s journey began innocently during visits to his grandparents’ home.

At the age of four, his Grandma Mamy, a seamstress, would secretly dress him in a purple chiffon dress. She made him feel special in that dress. This affirmation would be his mustard seed of torment.

The dress also became a source of his turmoil once his parents found out about his secret. His father’s spankings became more intense and also led to his being sexually abused by his uncle. This manifested into Walt’s affliction – thoughts and feelings that maybe he should have been born a girl. Andrea and then Laura were born in his mind and they wanted Walt gone.

Out of desperation, he sought out a radical treatment that promised relief, but led to the destruction of his marriage, his family, and his career.

W ho Am I asks the question, who do we think we are?

Through Walt’s journey to find his answer to this question, he is drawn closer to God. Once Walt understood that he was a child of God and loved by Jesus, he was able to begin the road back to redemption. The road back to forgiveness. The road back to love. And eventually, the road back to Walt.

Walt’s story of lasting restoration inspires people throughout the world. The timing seems right to launch a film that vividly shows the consequences of falling into the transgender contagion.

gauging interest

Ascent Picture Productions

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